Scaling Quantum Optimization – Benchmarking VQE with MIMIQ

Scaling Quantum Optimization Benchmarking VQE with MIMIQ December 2024 Contribution from Anna LeontevaSoftware Engineer at QPerfect Many complex problems today—such as drug discovery and supply chain optimization—can be framed as optimization challenges, where the task is to identify the best solution among zillions of possibilities. However, traditional computing faces limits when the problem size becomes too large. Quantum computing has the potential to go beyond these limits by implementing Variational Quantum Algorithms [1], which use quantum principles to explore these vast solution spaces more efficiently. While the effectiveness of variational ...

How Tensor Network Simulators Can Contribute To Practical Quantum Error Correction

How Tensor Network Simulators Can Contribute To Practical Quantum Error Correction October 2024 Contribution from Asier Piñeiro Orioli Quantum Scientist at QPerfect Recently at QPerfect we were discussing over coffee the stream of amazing results on quantum error correction from companies such as QuEra/Harvard [1], Quantinuum [2], Google AI [3]. These groups are trying out different quantum error correction (QEC) codes, slowly but surely increasing the performance of their logical qubits and even starting to assemble them together into small logical circuits! The race to implement practical quantum error correction ...

10 reasons why you need a better quantum emulator for your R&D

10 reasons why you need a better quantum emulator for your R&D September 2024 Contribution from Shannon Whitlock Scientific advisor and co-founder of QPerfect. In July, I attended the Q2B conference in Tokyo where we launched MIMIQ, our groundbreaking cloud-based quantum emulator and virtual quantum computer. I had the pleasure to speak with many participants, both industry leaders and newcomers to the quantum field. What surprised me most was discovering that many were not aware of the true capabilities of quantum emulators, with some expressing doubts about the value they ...

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